Odisha HSC 2013 written exam result has been declared online now. Candidate can check Odisha 10th class result online topper list . Odisha BSE (Board of Secondary Education), 2013 ressult online declared. Odisha BSE was amended as an Educational Board under the State Government of Odisha. This board was formed under the Odisha Education Act, 1953. The board controls & maintains all the necessary secondary education in the State of Odisha. Under this board various courses are offered to students for different occupations and to prepare the students for University.

The Odisha Board of Secondary Education(OBSE) conducted the board exam from February 25 and March 9.
The Odisha board also introduced an answer-cum-question booklet in which there was dedicated space given under each question to write the answers.
The Odisha Board of Secondary Education will declare the class 12 results in the last week of May.
How to Check Odisha HSC 2013 Result Online :
Candidate have to enter Roll No. to get result.
Topper list of Odisha HSC 2013 has not declared till now.
Odisha HSC 2013 Result Online Link: http://orissaresults.nic.in/inbseannl2013in.htm