Fitter/ Machinist/ Turner In Security Paper Mill – Madhya Pradesh

Fitter/ Machinist/ Turner

Security Paper Mill

Postal Code: 461005
City Hoshangabad
State Madhya Pradesh
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200, PB-1, Grade Pay-1800 (CDA)
Educational Requirements: Fitter/Machinist/Turner Trade in Full Time I.T.I. Certificate.
Qualifications: Diploma Holders in the respective Trade
No of Post: 26 Posts
How To Apply: 1. The application should be submitted in the proforma given in the advertisement, In another format of application will not be accepted. 2. The outer cover should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “Supervisor, Jr. Data Entry Operator cum office Asstt. and Workmen(ITI) for ————–Trade.” 3. The application should be accompanied with self attested copies of certificates in support of educational qualification, and age. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC should furnish the attested copy of the certificate issued by the Competent Authority to that effect. OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates are also required to submit a self-undertaking to that effect.
Last Date: 30/09/2013

Age Limit: 25 Years

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