Railway Group D written exam syllabus and exam pattern details. RRB and RRC Group D written exam syllabus, exam pattern. Railway group D category exam syllabus and pattern download. RRB/ RRC ajmer, kota, jodhpur, Kanpur, allahabad, agra, delhi, Jaipur, UP, MP, Mumbai, Chennai, Patna, Bihar, Punjab Group D category employmentwritten exam syllabus and exam pattern. RRB/ RRC Group D Gate Man, Helper II, Kalasi, Key man, Peon, Porter, Safaiwala, Sanitary cleaner, Sweeper Track Man, Vendor and other post.

Railway Group D Syllabus:
- Mathematics: HCF, LCM, Percentage, Problem based on Train, Boat & Stream, Time and Distance, Profit and Loss, Average & Number System.
- General Intelligence (Reasoning): Data Interpretation, Series problems, Age problems, Data Insufficiency & Arrangement problems.
- General Knowledge: Important Events, Important Days, Current Affairs, Politics, Sports, Cinema, Books and Authors.
Railway Group D Exam Pattern:
- Examination Time Duration: RRC Group D written examination will be of one and half hour duration with 100 questions only.
- Question Paper: Candidates have been permitted to take away their used question booklet after written examination. The question paper will be printed in Hindi, English, Urdu and Maithili.
- Marking System: There will be 1 Marks for each correct answer. There will be negative marking for marking wrong answers. 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Railway Group D Other Details:
Selection: Candidates will be selected as Railway Group D posts on the basis of written Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Document and candidature verification and Medical Test.