10th - English
10th - Gujarati
10th - Maths - Gujarati Medium
10th - Science - English Medium
10th - Science - Gujarati Medium
10th - Social Studies - English Medium
10th - Social Studies - Gujarati Medium
12th - Biology - English Medium
12th - Biology - Gujarati Medium
12th - Book Keeping and Accoutancy - English Medium
12th - Chemistry - English Medium
12th - Chemistry - Gujarati Medium
12th - Economics - Gujarati Medium
12th - Elements of Accounts - Gujarati Medium
12th - Mano vigyan - Gujarati Medium
12th - Maths-1 - English Medium
12th - Maths-1 - Gujarati Medium
12th - Physics - English Medium
12th - Physics - Gujarati Medium
12th - Statistics - English Medium
SSC - Maths - English Medium